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Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic - Melee Weapons
Single-Handed Melee Weapons
- Short Sword
- Damage: Physical, 1-6
- Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x2
- Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Long Sword
- Damage: Physical, 1-12
- Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x2
- Silver Lined Sword
- Damage: Physical, 1-12
- Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x2
- Notched Steel Sword
- Damage: Physical, 2-12
- Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x2
- Vibroblade
- Damage: Physical, 1-10
- Critical Threat Range: 19-20, x2
- Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Vibrosword
- Damage: Physical, 2-12
- Critical Threat Range: 19-20, x2
- Krath War Blade
- Damage: Physical 2-13
- Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x2
- Attack Modifier: +1
- Location: buy from B'ree, Dreshdae, Korriban, for 130 Credits.
- Krath Blood Blade
- Damage: Physical, 2-11
- Critical Threat Range: 19-20, x2
- Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier: +1
- Location: buy from Junix Nard, Cantina, Tatooine, for 230 Credits.
- Krath Dire Sword
- Damage: Physical, 3-13
- Critical Threat Range: 19-20, x2
- Attack Modifier: +1
- Location: find in Sand People Enclave, Dantooine.
- Mission's Vibroblade (Fully Upgraded)
- Damage: Physical, 1-10
- Damage Bonus: +1 Physical, +1 Energy
- Critical Threat Range: 19-20, x2
- Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier: +2
- Location: Mission's starting equipment, Undercity, Taris.
- Echani Vibroblade
- Damage: Physical, 3-12
- Damage Bonus vs. Droids: +2 Cold
- Critical Threat Range: 19-20, x2
- Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier: +2
- Location: reward for defeating Mandalorians, Lower Shadowlands, Kashyyyk.
- Prototype Vibroblade (Fully Upgraded)
- Damage: Physical, 1-10
- Damage Bonus: +4 Physical
- Critical Threat Range: 19-20, x2
- Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier: +3
- Location: find on Remains, Room, Endar Spire.
- Pretty decent.
- GenoHaradan Poison Blade
- Damage: Physical, 5-15
- Critical Threat Range: 19-20, x2
- On Hit: Poison, Mild Damage
- Save: DC 15
- Attack Modifier: +3
- Location: find on Remains (one of Hulas' thugs), Dune Sea, Tatooine; receive from Hulas for killing Lorgal (as part of the GenoHaradan missions), Manaan.
- Pretty decent.
- Sith Tremor Sword
- Damage: Physical, 4-14
- Damage Bonus: +2 Sonic
- Critical Threat Range: 19-20, x2
- Attack Modifier: +2
- Location: find in Wicker Bin, Rakatan Settlement, Unknown World.
- Not bad.
- Naga Sadow's Poison Blade
- Damage: Physical, 4-15
- Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x2
- On Hit: Poison, Average Damage
- Save: DC 25
- Attack Modifier: +3
- Location: find on Monument to Naga Sadow, Tomb of Naga Sadow, Korriban.
- Very decent.
- Echani Foil
- Damage: Physical, 5-15
- Critical Threat Range: 17-20, x2
- Attack Modifier: +3
- Location: find on Remains, Sith Base, Manaan.
- Quite good.
- Vibrosword (The One's)
- Damage: Physical, 7-17
- Critical Threat Range: 19-20, x2
- Attack Modifier: +5
- Location: find on Remains, Rakatan Settlement, Unknown World (2 of the sword).
- Good.
N.B. This is a special version of a Vibrosword, obtained by defeating The One on the Unknown World. The One's name isn't mentioned on the item in the actual game, but under the description you will be able to see it is significantly more powerful than a standard Vibrosword - it is actually one of the better melee weapons in Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic.
- Sanasiki's Blade (Fully Upgraded)
- Damage: Physical, 3-12
- Damage Bonus: +1-6 Energy
- Damage Bonus vs. Droids: +3
- Critical Threat Range: 17-20, x2
- Balanced: +2/+0 vs. two-weapon penalty if used in the off hand
- Attack Modifier: +4
- Location: buy from Crattis Yurkal, Jedi Enclave, Dantooine, for 7000 Credits.
- Very good.
- Bacca's Ceremonial Blade (Fully Upgraded)
- Damage: Physical, 6-16
- Bludgeoning: +2-12 vs. Droid
- Damage Bonus: +4 Energy
- Critical Threat: 19-20, x2 +2-12
- Attack Modifier: +4
- Location: receive after defeating Chuundar on Kashyyyk.
- One of the best single-handed melee weapons in the game.
- Baragwin Assault Blade (Fully Upgraded)
- Damage: Physical, 2-12
- Damage Bonus: +2-12 Energy, +2-12 Sonic
- Critical Threat: 17-20, x2
- Attack Modifier: +5
- Location: buy from Suvam Tan (after 3rd Star Map), Yavin, for 9000 Credits.
- The other best single-handed melee weapon in KOTOR.
Double-Handed Melee Weapons
- Quarterstaff
- Damage: Physical, 1-6
- Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x2
- Gaffi Stick
- Damage: Physical, 1-8
- Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x2
- Location: find on Remains, Dune Sea, Tatooine.
- Wookiee Warblade
- Damage: Physical, 1-10
- Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x2
- Location: find in Storage Bin, Rakatan Settlement, Unknown World.
- Double-Bladed Sword
- Damage: Physical, 2-12
- Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x2
- Vibro Double-Blade
- Damage: Physical, 2-16;
- Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x2
- Location: find on Remains, Grove, Dantooine (after 1st Mandalorian battle); buy from Tyvark Luowan, East Central, Manaan, for 180 Credits; buy from B'ree, Dreshdae, Korriban, for 180 Credits.
- Echani Ritual Brand
- Damage: Physical, 3-13
- Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x2
- Attack Modifier: +1
- Location: buy from Kebla Yurt, Taris Upper City, for 280 Credits.
- Chieftain's Gaffi Stick
- Damage: Physical, 1-8
- Damage Bonus: +4 Physical
- Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x2
- On Hit: Poison, Average Weakness
- Save: DC 20
- Attack Modifier: +2
- Krath Double Sword
- Damage: Physical, 4-14
- Damage Bonus: +1 Cold
- Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x2
- Attack Modifier: +2
- Location: find on Corpse, Upper Shadowlands, Kashyyyk.
- Not bad.
- Yusanis' Brand (Fully Upgraded)
- Damage: Physical, 4-18
- Ion: +6-9 vs. Droids
- Damage Bonus: +3 Fire
- Critical Threat: 19-20, x2
- On Hit: Stun 50% chance, 12 seconds, DC 10
- Attack Modifier: +3
- Location: buy from Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu, Docking Bay, Tatooine, for 8000 Credits
- Very good.
- Ajunta Pall's Blade
- Damage: Physical, 5-15
- Damage Bonus: +2 Fire
- Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x2
- Attack Modifier: +5
- Very good.
Unwieldy Melee Weapons (Single-handed which don't allow a weapon in off-hand)
- Stun Baton
- Damage: Physical, 1-1
- Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x2
- On Hit: Stun, 25% for 6 seconds
- Save: DC 10 to negate stun
- Bothan Stun Stick
- Damage: Physical, 2-2
- Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x2
- On Hit: Stun, 25% for 6 seconds
- Save: DC 10 to negate stun
- Attack Modifier: +1
- Vulkar Shock Stick
- Damage: Physical, 2-5
- Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x2
- On Hit: Stun, 25% for 6 seconds
- Save: DC 10 to negate stun
- Bothan Chuka
- Damage: Physical, 3-3
- Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x2
- On Hit: Stun, 25% for 6 seconds
- Save: DC 10 to negate stun
- Attack Modifier: +2
- Location: buy from Junix Nard, Cantina, Tatooine, for 480 Credits.
- Rakatan Battle Wand (Fully Upgraded)
- Damage: Physical, 3-3
- Damage Bonus: +2 Electrical, +1-10 Ion
- Critical Threat Range: 20-20, x2
- On Hit: Stun, 50% for 6 seconds, DC 14
- On Hit: Stun, 100% for 6 seconds, DC 18
- Attack Modifier: +4
- Location: find in Wicker Bin, Rakatan Settlement, Unknown World.
Special Swords from Tomb of Ajunta Pall (in Sith Sarcophagus)
- Vibrosword
- Notched Steel Sword
- Silver Lined Sword
For a list of locations of Melee Weapons and glitched items, visit GameBanshee's excellent guide.
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